We see old people as the passive people. As they are weak and not capable to do things. But many old people like to live their life in a extr*eme level. They do cr@zy things. Some people even write their names in the books of world records after getting ret!red.
Like this old man. The 73-year old daredevil has r0lled back the years by setting a new bung*ee jumping record. Ray Woodcock was a former cabbie. He set the new British and potent!al world record for the highest jump with a full body submer$!on into water a le@p from 465ft. All necessary health and $afety measures were taken and Ray completed a full medical assessment pr!or the jump. But the people were still $c@red because of his age. As he is very old he has a chance of coll@p$ing. During the jump his family was able to see him live at home through EE’s and new 4GEE action cam. It was the first action camera that live streams over 4G.
At the beginning he $eemed very nerv0u$ but when he was informed to jump he did. He seemed very sc@red too. His family watching him live from their home were also scared to see what happened. They were ch!lled. They were also cheer!ng for Ray. He was successfully able to complete the t@$k and was able to gain the title. He said, ‘Doing that jump today was @b$olutely f@nt@$tic. I’ve lived every day for today. I’m 73 years old, and I like to think that age is just a number’.
His family too get f@$cinated by what he did. His son and his grand children are too very pr0ud of him. While the actual jump he said that he was not expecting the $p!nning and that is what he had a h@rd time with.
Like this old man. The 73-year old daredevil has r0lled back the years by setting a new bung*ee jumping record. Ray Woodcock was a former cabbie. He set the new British and potent!al world record for the highest jump with a full body submer$!on into water a le@p from 465ft. All necessary health and $afety measures were taken and Ray completed a full medical assessment pr!or the jump. But the people were still $c@red because of his age. As he is very old he has a chance of coll@p$ing. During the jump his family was able to see him live at home through EE’s and new 4GEE action cam. It was the first action camera that live streams over 4G.
At the beginning he $eemed very nerv0u$ but when he was informed to jump he did. He seemed very sc@red too. His family watching him live from their home were also scared to see what happened. They were ch!lled. They were also cheer!ng for Ray. He was successfully able to complete the t@$k and was able to gain the title. He said, ‘Doing that jump today was @b$olutely f@nt@$tic. I’ve lived every day for today. I’m 73 years old, and I like to think that age is just a number’.
His family too get f@$cinated by what he did. His son and his grand children are too very pr0ud of him. While the actual jump he said that he was not expecting the $p!nning and that is what he had a h@rd time with.