How Coca-Cola is made

With temperatures rising every day cold drinks have become a most demanded material. The cold and sweet taste of it freshen$ everyone specially in this h*ot weather. The video shows how our all time favorite Coca-cola is made.
First the bottles come to the company from the bottl!ng company. The bot*tle are taken to the cleaning unit where they are cleaned, ste@med and s@nit!zed to rid them of any d!rt and debr!s. This is done by jet stre@ms and water. Then they pa$s through an over head con*vener belt where cl@mps pick up a bottle, and they are tran$ported from station to station above the room.
On the other hand the f!zzy drinks are being made by adding filtered water, different sugar i.e. glucose and fructo$e and also a mixture of natural and artificial flavors are added in measured amount. Then the mixture pa$sed through a pressurized machine called the carbonate where the mixture is is carbonated by pass!ng a ste@m of CO2 through it. Water makes up 86% of the drink.
Then the bottles are brou*ght to the filling machine where a no*zzle first $uck$ water out of them and later pumps Coke into them. The bottles then move into the c@pp!ng machine where they are c@ppe*d and se@led properly.
Later they are again sent through a machine for label!ng. The machine applies gl*ue on the bottle one by one and labels at $tuc*k on them. Bru$hes are used to makes sure they st!ck well. In the video the m@nuf@cture of 2 liter Coca-cola is shown and at the en*d it shows the process where the glass bottles are f!lled which are almost the same.


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