Without the Internet, from the way in amplifiers and from Skype free call

 The apprehension of the earthquake amplifiers and Skype has been giving free service has resumed.
After the earthquake last May 12 on Tuesday and giving the service was free.
The service was at 11 o'clock marker. Today, the service is free to start again after the earthquake, according to the apprehension. The apprehension of the mandate is issued from the other facility.The apprehension of the earthquake affected districts to provide their customers 30 and 50 SMS services balance Rde has been a powerful earthquake on Tuesday .Nepal bhaibarale free service has started again.
May 12 earthquake, a few days free call service is provided by the user in any country of Nepal bhaibarale again tomorrow (amplifi

ers out) made it free.
Bhaibarale giving informed through Twitter last earthquake in Nepal Nepali users free of amplifiers out and Nepali users call anywhere in the amplifiers Losing money is mentioned.
With the amplifiers to be used in and out of Nepal to call any money from it.


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