Interview With Mahanta Thakur
Mentioning that the UDMF has changed the nature of its agitation earlier also and the ongoing phase of protest would end later this week, Thakur, who is the chairman of Tarai-Madhesh Democratic Party, said the next meeting which would be held January 3 would discuss the issues including withdrawal of border blockade.He hinted that the UDMF was ready to accept the proposal to resolve the issues related to provincial boundaries within three months if the State built an environment of trust. For that, he said, the government, however, should be able to convince the agitating parties.He was talking to a team of Reporters Club that went to hand over a memorandum to him.

Thakur charged that the government did want to resolve the issues through dialogue. He further said the informal talks held with the main opposition Nepali Congress and the ruling UCPN-Maoist also have not reached to any conclusion.


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